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選禮儀曆/Liturgical Calendar

搜尋的方法是:用户在 #4 的编辑框中输入找尋的词。 如果禮儀曆名称包含输入的词,就選這篇文章。 它也接受以逗号 (,) 分隔的多词输入。在下面的這個例子,日期選項是 ‘2023’,‘礼仪日历’ 的選項是是 ‘Lent,3rd’。 它的意思是:选择 2023 年發表文章名称包含词‘Lent’ 或 ‘3rd’
Users enter words to the editing box. if the article's Liturgical Calendar name contains the word entered, then, include this article. It accept entry of multiple words separated by comma (,). For the example here. The entry for date is '2023', the entry for 'Liturgical calendar' is 'lent,3rd'. It can be read as "select article's name contain the word 'Lent' or '3rd'

搜尋报告/Query Report:

搜尋的結果有6篇文章。 前 2篇文章的名字中含有“3rd”一词,接下来4篇文章的名字中含有“Lent”一词,都發表在 2023年。
There are 6 articles in the Query report. The first 2 has the word '3rd' in their name, whereas, the next 4 has the name of 'Lent'. They are all dated 2023.

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