Following is the Chinese translation on the selected sermons English Mass of St. Joseph parish - Old Mission San Jose church in Fremont, CA.

For the English speaking viewers, please click at the link to view the original live stream. The sermon usually starts around 22:00 minutes mark of the live stream

The Chinese translation is based on the Closed Caption (CC) text that came with the live stream. Hopefully, it can be beneficial to the spiritual nourishment of the Chinese speaking parishioners. It is done to the best of our ability. Any organization or individual involved to the development, publication, circulating or forwarding this translation, are not liable to any damage caused by the material presented here

Faith sharings of parishioners
We also publish selected articles of faith sharings of our parishioners. If you have some faithful sharing and hope to be included in this website, or you have any question or comment about this website, you are welcome to contact us.

Translator: Fremont South Bible study group #2.


英文观众请点击链接來看英文现场直播。 讲道的部分通常在彌撒开始後 22:00 分左右。

中文翻译是根據直播所附带的英文字幕 (CC) 來完成的。希望我們的努力能对华语的教友們神修上有所帮助。 任何因开发、出版、 传播或转发此翻译,造成的任何损害我們概不负责。

我们还發表了ㄧ些堂区教友的信仰分享。 如果您有中英文的信仰文章,並且願意與大家分享,或者您对我們網站有任何疑问或意見,欢迎您与我们联系。
