Forgive and love your enemy
Fr. Anthony Le

About 20 years ago my older brother got into a big fight in a bar. He got into this fight over a karaoke song or glass of wine. his right shoulder got cut very badly. when he protects himself, his right hand gets split in half. and then he swam across the river to escape. Thank God he survived. My father discovered this incident. He was so Furious, he was so mad. my cousins too. They wanted Revenge. My uncle was a very notorious gangster in the city. My cousins were all leaders of local gangs. They packed the van with weapons ,with people ready to take revenge, to take revenge really. They dared to hurt their little cousin. so my dad too, he was a military man. I have witnessed him fight a few times with bare hands and fought back against men with weapons. He knew how to handle business. so he had a few options. either to let my cousin go nuts with this: seeking revenge. for he himself, took the matter into his own hand or filed a lawsuit. He took a different route however. He went to see the mother of the men who hurt my brother. After their conversation, he decided to let things go. He only took five hundred dollars, enough to pay for medical expenses. He explained later to us the reason why he did that. First of all, the mother was a single mom. This young man has so much ahead of him. He's only in his twenties. imagine my father allowed my cousin to hurt him or send him to prison, he won't last. He is probably gonna turn out to be worse than he is currently. so he decided to forgive him. He decided to take an easy way out for that young man.

So my dear brothers and sisters, that was my father. Now as I look back I realize that being a good Catholic. Once upon a time, he wanted to be a priest also until he met my mom. he just wanted to he just wanted to imitate the one he called Master, Lord, and Savior Jesus. In today's gospel we all heard it clearly that our Lord wants you and I to imitate him, and therefore imitate the heavenly father. be merciful, be perfect, and the most difficult thing that he asked us to do is to love our enemies. not the kind of cozy affectionate love. no. the kind of love that goes to show our compassion, our desire for the good of the others, and that's this kind of love. and that love has to involve concrete action. Our Lord says clearly, it has to do with prayer, it has to do with forgiveness, it has to do with you and I make a bold commitment. By doing so, we imitate our heavenly father. think for a moment, and I consider my father to be a wise man. then, that is a practical thing to do to end the circle of violence, circle of hatred. imagine for a moment, my cousin went nuts ,hurting this man, putting his family. What about his relatives? What about other families? too. they're probably gonna take Vengeance against us. and my father did not want that. What if we kill him? what if we hurt him so badly that the rest of my cousin would get locked in or prison themselves, who would suffer. so it was a good decision to stop the circle of violence. and exactly what our Lord wants you and I to think about.

Why are we giving in to this hatred ? isn't that the world is bad enough because of that? imagine the world taking place between nations, imagine families, imagine us all holding Grudge, hatred, Harbor all of that bitterness and anger in our heart. and therefore we hurt ourselves first, by doing so, we trap ourselves in this prison of our own need for Revenge, Blood for Blood, eye for an eye. and now Lord's asking to stop it. To recognize it, make that determination, embracing the very difficult thing. the pain, the loss, due to things that others have done unto us. embrace it, carry it, and yet find a place in our heart to really move forward by ending that Circle of vengeance. vengeance belongs to God. so my dear brothers and sister, perhaps that is the first reason why, a practical reason why, we should not keep this hatred, anger, bitterness in our own heart.

The second more powerful reason to love our enemies, to show them compassion, is that we wanted to really imitate our Lord. look at him on the cross, look at him how he treated his own enemies. the people who crucified him, the people who plotted to kill him, the people who actually slander him, the people who ruined not only his reputation, but his own family, his own life as well, on the cross. and what did he do? What did he do? He cried out to the heavenly father: "Father forgive them for what they know not" he gathers all the strength he has left, and begs the father to not punish them, to not hold them accountable for what they have done unto me, but forgive them.

And our Lord knows nothing other than love and compassion and forgiveness. 這because he knows, he knows that we Are Not Angels, We are human beings. we got to learn like our Lord, Separate the sins committed and the person who committed those sins. sin, it has always been done wrong. hurting, killing, stealing, cheating, you name it, everything our Lord has named is always wrong no matter excuses. however the person who did it may not know fully, may not understand, maybe under influence of any kind. evil influence, bad habit, a culture he or she grew up with no not better way to do. so our Lord sees a human heart that we have the capacity to return. just like Paul, who killed Christian, who hunted Christian, who thought he did a good thing for God. Like Matthew, like Peter, like the rest of the Apostles, they're not angels. They were men with problems, with flaws. but our Lord see through them and that's the reason why, my dear brothers and sister, we should imitate him, because we don't want, we don't want to see people as the sins committed, we don't want to objectify people with that kind of punishment, because our Lord does not look at you and me in that way. so by stopping, realizing, that person by forgiving them, by forgiving others, the enemies, we showed them a way out. We showed them a way out of Their Own Prison, of their own condemnation. And by doing so, we open the Gate of Heaven not only for them and for us as well.

Our Lord has said clearly: if we don't forgive our brothers and sisters, heaven forgive us. we have that power, we have that power. Fascinating isn't it? the power to forgive, the power to Open the Gate of Heaven, the power to really help somebody return to the path of goodness and therefore salvation, belongs to you and to me. Our Lord has shared that with you and with me. so my brothers and sisters, exercise that power, while it's difficult and our Lord has asked us to make that effort. following God, following Christ, it's not an easy thing. It's hard and difficult. However, the end goal, the end destination it's awesome. It's awesome. For that reason, it makes sense that we learn to forgive from our heart, and we learn to pray, and we learn to exercise that power to forgive, to embrace our enemies in such a way that the world could be a better place. so my brothers and sisters, I believe we could do it.

Just like St. Paul has said, the spirit of God has been poured into our hearts. The Same Spirit has inspired our Lord to give up his life, The Same Spirit has extended the mercy of the heavenly father to All, The Same Spirit is in us. and we are his beloved children, we could do exactly like our Heavenly Father. Like Father Like Son, like father like daughter, and may God grant us such courage to do so.


20 年前,我哥哥在酒吧里为了小事与人发生冲突,在格斗中他的肩膀被砍伤。为了保护自己,右手也被劈成两半。最后他游过河保存了生命。感谢天主,活了下来。事后,我父亲和堂兄弟们都非常愤怒想要报复。我叔叔是城里臭名昭彰的流氓。堂兄弟们也都是帮派的头目。他们聚众将武器装满了面包车,准备好好的为他们的小表弟报仇。我父亲以前是一名军人。我看过他徒手与手持武器的人打架。他应对这类事情有些经验。他有几个方案:让堂兄们为此事疯狂的报复,或是提起诉讼经由法院来解决。但是他选了一条不同的路—他去拜访了那伤害我弟弟的母亲。谈话结束后,他决定不追究这件事,只收了五百块钱的医药费。后来他向我们解释为什么他要这样做。首先,这是位单亲妈妈,这个年轻人才二十多岁,人生才开始。如果表弟们报仇伤害他,或是经由诉讼把他送进监狱,他的前程ㄧ定会比现在更糟糕。所以他决定原谅他,给这年轻人再一次机会。





