Through our acts of compassion, we will serve to scatter the darkness, and reflect the light of God's love

Recently, Fremont was named among the happiest cities in America by Personal Fortune Finance website wallet hub. It also has one of the largest fastest growth rates in un-housed populations in the Bay Area. And Fremont has assumed a role as Regional leader in the provision of homeless services. Fremont, population 230,500, has seen an alarming 68 percent increase in its un-housed population over the past three years. From 608 counted in 2019, to 1026 counted in 2022. The number of documented unsheltered residents has almost doubled in the same time frame. Reaching 866 this last year, the city's residents have noticed a substantial change.

Two weeks ago, we heard in the gospel, Jesus Approached his first disciples with the call to repent because the kingdom of God is at hand. And promising them, come after me and I will make you Fishers of Men. Then, last week, Jesus took his disciples up a Mountain and began to teach them the values or principles in his kingdom by sharing the Beatitudes. Promising them if they follow his lead, the reward will be great in heaven.

In today's first reading, Isaiah is telling the scattered people Do not forget the poor ,and the needy, as they gather together to re-establish their country after the Babylonian exile. Everyone should not turn their back on the hungry, naked, and homeless, but include them in their Improvement plans. God will recognize your efforts so that when you call for help, he will answer. Likewise, if we stop the ill treatment of the needy, light shall rise and dispel the Darkness. Isaiah attempts to convey a sense of hope to these people who had expected Joy, but we're now sensing despair.

In the short gospel for today, Jesus says that his disciples are the salt of the earth. Salt that cannot flavor or preserve the food has no value, and should be discarded. The disciples are to live their lives practicing the Beatitudes. To improve the community, especially helping the needy of our neighbors. The challenge the disciples face is to update the efforts to meet the changing environment.

The coved pandemic disrupted our Parish Community efforts of Outreach to provide meals at the homeless shelter, and groceries to the food insecure. Our Saint Vincent De Paul conference has responded to the challenge by adding new services - providing fruit, vegetables, and meat. In addition they are the only conference in Fremont to continue to operate straight through the pandemic. Tripling the volume of pounds delivered weekly. our stands food Ministry to the homeless, last year supported by the efforts of sister John Marie's Pantry funds, delivered 76 bags a week of Quick Service, serve food to the areas in Fremont Where the un housed camp.

Now Catholic missionaries have always impressed me by their efforts to fix what is broken in the cities and countries where they work to bring the gospel. When I was a youth, our house always had an abundance of holy cards with prayers and inspirational messages, displayed for reflection. My mother, a Catholic, and my father, a Baptist, had Differences in view of Christian theology, but no differences in the requirements to contribute some of the family resources to charitable causes. We were taught that supporting the missions, local and foreign, were a part of being a Catholic to bring healing where it was needed. The disciples in today's readings were instructed to put the lamp on a stand to spread the light of gospel to a wider audience. How can we accomplish this without personally supporting the Parish Community efforts? Accepting our responsibility for helping the world missions is another way we extend our local reach. We invite our Parish Community to keep up to date in our efforts.

In summary, through the power of God, we can be a light to the world Through our loving concern for others, especially the poor and the oppressed. these and other acts of compassion will serve to scatter the darkness, and reflect the light of God's love


最近,Fremont 被 Personal Fortune Finance 網站 wallethub 評為美國最幸福的城市之一,它同時也是灣區流浪人口增長率最高的地區之一。在這區域, Fremont 已經成為提供無家可歸者服務的領導者。令人震驚地,人口 230,500 的 Fremont,在過去三年中無家可歸的人口增長了 68%。 從 2019 年的 608人,增加到 2022 年的 1026 人。登錄在案的無殼族也幾乎翻了一倍,達到866戶。全市的居民都已經注意到這個巨大的變化。

在兩週前的福音中,耶穌收了第一批門徒。祂要門徒們悔改,因為天國近了。 也要他們成為漁人的漁夫。 上週的福音,耶穌帶著門徒上山,教導他們天國的價值觀,與他們分享了真福八福。耶穌保證只要跟隨著祂,就會贏得天國的最後勝利。

今天的讀經一,依撒意亞先知提醒那些被巴比倫流放,又企圖再聚集起來重建家園的猶太人,不要忘記他們中間的窮人和有需要的人。 因為每個人都不該忽視飢餓,赤身裸體,和無家可歸的人的需求。我們應該將這些需求納入改善計劃中,千萬不可置之不理。 天主看到你的努力,當你呼求時,他必回應。 同樣的,如果我們善待受苦的和有需要的人,光明就會升起來驅散黑暗。 在這裡,依撒意亞向那些感到絕望的人傳達一種期待喜樂的希望。

在今天福音中,耶穌指出門徒是世上的鹽。如果鹽不能調味,又無法保存食物,就不再是鹽了,應該被丟棄在地上。 作為一個耶穌的門徒就必須活出真福八端的精神來改善社會。門徒們必須以不斷的更新來面對這善變的環境。

新冠病毒擾亂了我們為社區服務的努力。我們的工作是為流浪收容所提供膳食,為貧困的人提供生活必需品。 我們的 Saint Vincent De Paul 決定以增強服務來面對病毒的挑戰—提供更多的水果、蔬菜和肉類。 事實上我們是 Fremont 唯一在病毒流行期間繼續運作的單位。 我們每週奉獻出來食物的磅數增加了三倍。 為無家可歸者提供食品的服務在 John Marie 修女食品儲藏室基金的支持下,每週提供 76 袋食物給 Fremont 遊民露營區。

普世天主教傳教士的工作總是給我深刻的印象。他們為傳播福音來努力修復破損的城市和國家。 當我年輕的時候,家裡擺滿了各種祈禱和勵志的聖卡,供我反思。 我的母親是一名天主教徒,而我的父親是一名浸信會教徒,在神學上他們有不同的看法,但他們都願意將部分家庭資源用於慈善事業。 我的雙親教導我,支持本地和國外的傳教使命在世界各地需要的地方帶來治愈,是基督徒的基本要求。 在今天的讀經中,耶穌指示門徒要站在高處,將福音之光傳播給更廣泛的群眾。 如果我們每個人不親自地站出來,那麼傳播福音給普世的目標是無法實現的。站出來幫助普世宣教是我們擴展基督神國的ㄧ個方式。 我邀請每個人都來了解堂區當前所做的努力。
