We are remnants of the Church, of Israel, and ultimately of God
Fr. Anthony Le

I'm inspired by a lot of people here. My homily might be a little bit longer than usual. Just kidding, you don't have to be worried. Children, may I have your hands raised, where are you at? Awesome, how are you? That's it. How are you? Did you feel good when your mama and daddy brought you out of bed today, and brought you to school in the church today this morning, 'No'? We just got an honest answer over there. That's awesome. Well today you are in church together with us, with your parents, with the entire Parish Community, to celebrate a very beautiful week, school week. I want to take this opportunity to be a teacher. I'm going to teach you one word, one word only - 'Remnant'. How many of you know that word? 'Remnant'. Do you know how to even spell it?

“Remnant” This is a very unique word in the Bible. The reason why it's Unique is because it describes a group of people, so small, so insignificant, that nobody even seemed to pay attention to. That they are actually the group of people who makes our faith possible today. But we have today in the church, what we have today in the world, what we have today in the Catholic Church. It makes it possible because of this group. We call them remnants of Israel.

and here's a story. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Israelite people gathered together. But they were invaded by Babylonians, by the Syrians. Destroyed them left and right. So, for those who remain, a very small group of Israelites gather themselves and call a remnant of Israel. This group of people, small as it was, they declared to live by the Commandments of God. They won't buy into the foreign religion, they won't believe in the ancient Egyptian gods, they won't give in worshiping the emperor whatever that might be, they won't give in sacrificing their Sabbath rest, they won't violate 10th commandment, they won't cheat, they won't lie. They’re going to live by what God taught them.

Subsequently, many centuries, it occurred to be that Mary and Joseph and Jesus belong to this remnant of Israel. Remnants of Israel, Mary and Joseph and Jesus, were so poor, they lived with this group, and they vowed to carry out what God wanted them to do. Amazing isn't it? Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, do you know them? Children, do you know them? Oh, come on. Do you know them? Do you know how important they are to us? Don’t you? Don’t you? Don’t you? (Loud answer of Yap...) that’s what I want to hear. Say yes with conviction, say yes with power. and we know that today's gospel, why Jesus so emphasis on the fact that you and I, if you are poor in spirit, if you are meek and humble, if you are mourning, if you are working hard for peace, if you have purity of heart, if you are even being persecuted for what right that you try to stand up for. he wants you and I to know we belong to that remnant of the church, remnant of Israel.

We are those who belong to Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. And the reason why he says that, because the remnants of Israel, they suffer tremendously, they suffered for the loss of their own country, they Mourn for the loss of their own family members. Victims of violence, Victims of suppression, victims of Their Own people casting them aside. And they're looking for peace; they do not look for peace from the government. They look for peace from God. So I want you to know, you and I, we are part of this remnant of the church. We dare to be poor in spirit because we rely on God. we know he's real, we know that we could trust him, we know that we could count on him.

Look on the cross, what did Jesus do? Can you shout out loud to me what he does? He died for you and for me on the cross. Our love for us. Amazing isn't it? We could count on him, we could also, if we are suffering in pain, if by suffering loss of any kind, we could actually count on God to make up for it. We could count on him, because God is everything. He could give us everything. we could count on him, really if we are being chastised, if we are being persecuted, if we are being looked out upon. Because we believe in God, we believe in Jesus, we believe in Joseph, we believe in Mary, we believe in human dignity, we believe in truth, and goodness, and beautiful faith.

Oh my young people, that is the word I want you to learn today - 'remnant', remnant of Israel. Thanks to this group we have Mary, Jesus, and Joseph. Thanks to Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, who live by the mission, they got entrusted to them that you and I are here. Learn well; learn well with your subjects. Together with your teachers, together with your parents learn well so that you and I remain that identity. We are remnants of the Church, of Israel, and ultimately of God.


今天是开学的第一个主日,我很高兴今天有很多人来参加弥撒,孩子们,你们在哪里?请举手。太棒了,你好吗?你的妈妈和爸爸一早把你从床上叫起来,带你去教堂,你感觉好吗? “不”?这是一个诚实的答案。棒极了。今天你及你的父母亲、和整个堂区的教友都在这里庆祝开学的第一周。借此机会,让我作老师来教你一个字,‘Remnant’。你们有多少人知道这个字 — ‘遗民’。知道这个字怎么拼吗?



几百年后,玛利亚、若瑟和耶稣都是以色列遗民的一份子。以色列遗民,玛利亚、若瑟和耶稣,都非常的贫困。但是他们遵从天主的指示要完成上主赋予的任务。这是多么地神奇。若瑟、玛利亚和耶稣,你认识他们吗?孩子们,你们知道他们有多重要吗?不是吗? (孩子们大声回答 Yes)这就是我想听到的。带着信心说“是”,带着力量说“是”。在今天的福音中,耶稣说,如果你性情谦卑,态度温和,或心里哀恸,如果你致力促进和平,内心纯洁,为捍卫正义而受迫害, 你就是教会的遗民,以色列的遗民。

我们是属于玛利亚、若瑟和耶稣的。那么耶稣为什么说我们是以色列的遗民?因为以色列的遗民受了极大的苦难。他们经历了失去国家的苦,失去亲人的哀痛,受到统治者的暴力镇压,并且被自己的同胞遗弃。他们寻求和平,但不是与施暴者妥协的和平。他们追求天主的平安。容我告诉你:你和我,我们都是教会的遗民。我们的灵魂渴望着天主, 那位真实的,可信的,可依靠的天主。


年轻人,“遗民”就是我要教你们的字。以色列的遗民,多亏了这个小小的团体,我们有了玛利亚、耶稣,和若瑟。感谢玛利亚、耶稣,和若瑟,他们交付自己的生命来达成天主赋予他们的使命。我们要好好学习在校的科目。我们也要和老师,父母一起来学习如何保持我们自己的身分— 教会的遗民、以色列的遗民,最重要的是,天主的遗民。