Jesus' mission is our mission. This mission is to invite non-Christians to convert to God.

Good morning, as mentioned and introduced by father Luke and father Carl from The vocations Office working with the bishop to promote and to increase the vocations in our diocese, also in our Parish. Every time some parishioners would ask me: oh Father, you're coming from The Bishop's office, are you here to spy on us? I'm just here to thank you for your help and support to our seminarians and also to be prayer partners with our Bishop, and with our priests, with Father Anthony, to promote increased avocations in our parishes, specially the vocation to the priesthood and religious life. But more so, the vocation in the family. to really promote in our family, the vocation to prayer, the calling to prayer, and the calling of Jesus. Especially in our mission as baptized in the church.

In my visits to the Holy Land, one of my most memorable times and experiences was spent in Galilee which is the setting of Our Gospel this Sunday. Have you been to Holy Land? Anyone here has been to the Holy Land, raise your hand. Nice, Galilee is nice, the Saint Peter's fish, Capernaum, a lot of things going on there. Galley was a border City with fertile land and the Sea. It's really perfect for good trade and economics. A place where people from different walks of life would go visit and trade. Gentles and Jews alike would come together for economic and political reasons. This is why Jesus started his full-time Ministry there and chose his first apostles or disciples to be ‘Fishers of men and women’. It was a perfect place for him to do his ministry. But that Ministry was not an easy mission. It's business. Immigration patrons could be overwhelming, but you see, for Jesus it was a marketing opportunity, or should we say an opportunity for the Ministry that is to fulfill his mission. This mission is in his call for In Our Gospel today: "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" repentance means the change of heart, metanoia, conversion to Open Hearts of people for the mercy and goodness of God.

Just like today, our modern world is also diverse, and many times overwhelming. Throw in the issues on immigration, morality, equality, sexuality, family life, economics, War, diversity of opinions and cultures, even the culture of death. No wonder Pope Francis always reminds us to share the joy of the Gospel. Not only in places of our comfort zones, but more so in situations, in places, that are overwhelmingly challenging and diverse. Jesus wants to meet people where they are. And for here in Fremont and Saint Joseph's, that's what Jesus said. How do we meet people here in Saint Joseph? How do they feel welcome? How do we pray for each other? How do we serve one another? How to become a healing presence of Jesus for one another?

Talking about the calling of Our Lord, you know I was 12 years old when I entered the Seminary. And Garrett over there, our seminarian, you know he was in the Navy for some years and also became a bouncer. So Garrett is our Bulldog, The Bishop's bulldog. And so I don't know where Fr. Luke is. But you know God calls us in our different experiences right. But before I was ordained as a priest, the Bishop, ignorant if you Remember, asked me what parish or place I wanted or preferred to go and serve? I said to him: Bishop, send me to a parish where you need me most. Especially parishes that is diverse and busy. After my second year as a priest, I got sick due to a heart condition. And so I requested for a smaller Parish and a mission, small Mission and English only place. Instead, they sent me to Immaculate Heart of Mary in Brentwood California this year. It is one of the biggest Parishes in the diocese. A majority of the parishioners then were Hispanics. So be careful what you wish for.

But it was a good thing and a blessing. My pastor's father Jerry Brown, not the governor, was a former registered nurse. He took good care of me, of my health, and my health improved. And now I'm playing basketball every Wednesday in Holy Spirit with Father Ken. I hoped I could invite Father Anthony, but he plays soccer. I heard, and I have improved my Spanish a lot. Now I can be sent to any Parish in the diocese, and I am confident with God's help that I can be of service to many. Thus as your vocation director, I made it a point with the guidance of our Bishop, that our seminarians that you help and support. And those being prepared to be priests in our diocese are trained and formed in diverse communities and situations. Especially with emphasis on immigration, the poor, and those who are in need of healing.

It is evident that the mission of Jesus is for all. The invitation and call to conversion and salvation is for all. As Christians and followers of our Lord Jesus, we are called to share in this Mission. The mission first to repentance, to change of heart, to conversion, and to Proclaim that the kingdom of God is with us. We just celebrated Christmas. And you know the theme of Christmas is Emmanuel, God is with us. But do you believe that God is with us? Amen, you know that's why you're here today. I hope to let the world know that God is alive, that God is good, and I hope that's what they feel when guests or strangers visit Saint Joseph. If it's their first time here, they will feel you, know God's present. Especially with your beautiful old church the Mission Church. When I always go and visit. I always feel a wow beautiful church. and it really leads me to pray right away. What a beautiful environment. You know of a small church, but really you know leading us to prayer and to really feel God's presence.

In his house, in his home, we are called by Jesus like Peter and the other disciples to be Fishers of men and women, to be men and women for others, to be Disciples of Our Lord of his mercy and goodness, to bring more Hearts to Jesus, to be wounded healers, to be his hands and his feet. And that's why in our church we keep on asking for more priests, more nuns. I know it's difficult in this world right now. Especially with many destructions in the world, but I invite and encourage young people who are here today, to open your heart for God's calling. The call that I received and responded to when I was 12 years old. The call that Garrett, our seminarian, and father Luke responded when they were having a good time wherever they were. I know you should listen to Father Luke's testimony; he had a good time when he was in college. But again God will meet us wherever we are. do not be afraid, and for those who are here, who are married, that's a good vocation. Lead your family to prayer, especially our children. Because in prayer, hearts are open to respond to God's call. The question is just like the disciples and Jesus, who were called to those uncomfortable situations and challenging times. Are you ready also and willing to be sent to places, situations that are not easy? are you willing to follow Jesus even outside your comfort zone?

Again, let me take this opportunity to thank you. For your support, for your love, for the diocese of Oakland. Especially your Bishop's appeal, especially for the Seminary collection. if not because of you helping us, I won't be here. I studied for three years for the diocese of Oakland from the Philippines. And all of them are actually scholarships. It was free. Oakland became my home where my brother and my aunties live in Union City, in Hayward. When they embraced me, I said this is my home now. And I'll dedicate my life for the diocese of Oakland, and also for our 12 seminarians. they're studying very well. they're giving their hearts to their calling to be priests. in the future, who knows? Like Father Anthony, they could be your pastor in the future. To baptize your kids, your grandchildren, celebrate marriages here for your family. And also to be there at your side before you die for anointing. Just like for me today, I have two visits for communion after the 12 o'clock mass. I'm going to visit someone who's dying, and know someone who's been sick for many months. That's a beautiful way to celebrate vocation, to rejoice that God calls us, wherever we are. And so thank you so much. I'd like to end with a simple prayer that I copied from the musical God spell. I believe that this prayer is a good help to remind us of our vocation to be Fishers of men and women in our pursuit to follow our Lord. for the mission, and for the greater glory of God,

Day by day, oh, dear lord, three things I pray: to see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more closely, day by day.

Saint Joseph, Patron parish guardian of the most holy family and protector of the reversal Church, prays for us. Amen.





谈到圣召,我12岁就进了神学院。坐在那边的加雷特修士,他曾在海军服役过几年,也当过保镖。所以他的外号是斗牛犬。保护主教的斗牛犬。我不清楚坐在哪边的路加神父是如何得到他的圣召,但我很清楚天主会以不同的方式来召唤我们每一个人。在我祝圣成神父以前,主教问我想去哪个堂区服务?我说:主教,就把我送到最需要的地方,那些多种族,并且很忙碌的地方。祝圣后的第二年,我就因心脏病、病倒了。这一次我请主教派我去一个小堂区,负责一个不重要项目,最好是只用英语就可以服务的地方。他却把我送到 Brentwood 的无染原罪圣母堂。那是奥克兰教区里最大的堂区之一,大部分教友是讲西班牙话的。俗话说:当你祈祷的时候,要小心你到底是许了什么愿。

尽管如此,这件事最后是个祝福。因为本堂神父 Jerry Blown ,曾经是一名注册的护士。他非常照顾我,使我的健康改善。现在我每周三在圣神堂和肯神父打篮球。我也邀请安东尼神父参加,可是他踢足球,不打篮球。现在有许多人说我的西班牙语进步很多,可以被派到任何一个堂区服务了。在天主的扶持下,我们都可以为人做各种服务。身为圣召办公室主任,我想告诉你们,神父的培训对教区的发展至关重要。你们支持教区神父的圣召,他们现在都在不同的社区,和多元的社会中接受培训和陶鋳。我们培训他们如何为新移民、穷人,和需要疗伤的人服务。

耶稣的使命就是我们的使命。这个使命就是邀请非教友皈依天主。我们追随主耶稣,被召教参与祂的使命。首先是要邀请人悔改,改变心态,然后宣扬天国就在这里,带领他皈依主耶稣。我们刚刚过了圣诞节。圣诞节的主题厄玛奴尔,就是天主与我们同在。你是否真正相信天主与我们同在吗?阿门。这就是你们今天来到教堂的原因。我们希望世界都认识我们活生生、良善的天主;让所有来到圣若瑟天主堂的人都感受到天主就在这里。正如我每次踏入古老的 Mission San Jose 教堂,总是被它的美丽所震撼,当下进入祷告,感到天主的临在。


让我再一次感谢你们对奥克兰教区的爱和支持,感谢你们对神学院的捐款。如果没有你们的帮助,我就不会在这里。我在菲律宾为奥克兰教区学习了三年。这三年都有奖学金的资助,是免费的,奥克兰成了我的家。我的兄弟和姑妈住在Union City和Hayward。当他们拥抱我时,我知道这就是我的家了。我把我的一生献给奥克兰教区和神学院的12名修士。他们也努力学习,将他们的心献给了神父的圣召。将来他们就会像安东尼神父一样,成为你们的堂区神父。为你的孩子,你的孙子行洗礼,为你的家人举行婚礼,在你死前守在你的身边为你敷油。今天弥撒后,我会为两个人送圣体,会去看望一位临终的教友,及一名久病的病友。这就是庆祝圣召最美丽的方式。所以我非常感谢天主给我做神父的圣召。让我用一篇简短的祷告来结束今天的讲道。这段祷文,我是从音乐剧《神咒》中选出来的。这个祷文提醒我们追随主耶稣来成为渔人的渔夫。为了这使命,为了天主更大的荣耀,让我们祈祷:

