Jesus Remember me when you come into your kingdom

This is the last Sunday of the liturgical year. Next week is advent. On the last Sunday 人鞥ˊof the liturgical year, the church celebrates the solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe, or Christ the King. Pope Pius the 11th instituted this feast in 1925. With his encyclical, quas Primes, in the first, to respond to Growing secularism and Atheism. in countries like Mexico, Germany, Russia, etc. none of these regimes are in existence today. However, we are called to know love and to serve God in our lives, and to be with him for eternity in heaven,

In the first reading, in Hebron, David is hailed as king of all the tribes of Israel. This points forward to the coming of Jesus, the Anointed King of the universe, on the wood of the cross. a sign of the paradox of defeat, yet final victory. Through his cross, we have passed from Darkness into the Kingdom of Light. +

Our second reading from Paul's letter to the Colossians, Praises Jesus who became bone of our bones, and flesh of our flesh. and describes the consequences of his doing so. Paul urges us to give thanks, that through baptism, God made us fit to share in the inheritance that Jesus made available to humankind. by his death on the cross, that is life ever after. Through his cross. brothers and sisters, we can pass from the darkness of sin to the glory of eternal light with him.

Today’s Gospel episode is uniquely encountered only in Luke. The penitent sinner receives salvation through the crucified Jesus. Jesus’ words to the penitent thief revealed that Luke's understanding - the destiny of the Christian is to be with Jesus. In order to achieve this Destiny of being with Jesus for eternity, we have to live for Jesus; we have to give up living for ourselves. This is not always easy.

When is God's kingdom coming? Jesus tells us that the kingdom is in our midst today. Christ himself and its Advent, which means the arrival of a notable person, or thing or event. And because Christ lives within us, the kingdom of God dwells within us. Also the more we accept the kingdom of God and the love Jesus brings us, the more we can live for him. How do we live for him more and more? Follow the gospels guide to living our life. Friends, in last week's gospel, Jesus warns us that he, the son of man, will come on a day we do not expect. Using formed our new database resource; we say what's so frightening about the coming of the son of man? Why isn't it just good news? Well if he is the life, that life which is opposed to him has to give way. If he is the truth, then false claimants to the truth must cede to him. And if he is the way, then the false ways have to be abandoned. So as we await the Lord's second coming, we must give our lives to him, and to renounce everything that opposes him.

One final question, what kind of King dies on the cross between two criminals? Even though one of them has gone down in history as the good thief. Writer Eileen worth answers: a king who suffers and accompanies his subjects when they are in agony, a king whose example teaches his subjects to do the same for others. When we sin, God does not abandon us. He continues to call us back. Hoping in some way, we will turn toward him and reply "Jesus Remember me when you come into your kingdom". He replied to him. "Amen I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise”


這星期是禮儀年的最後一個主日,下周就是將臨期了。 這主日是耶穌君王節,教會在這一天慶祝主耶穌基督為宇宙之王,基督君王的光榮和莊嚴。 教宗庇護十一世於1925 年訂了耶穌君王節。他的通諭是針對當時在墨西哥、德國、俄羅斯等國家日益增長的世俗主義和無神論。 雖然這些在今天都不是主流的論述,這個教宗的通諭仍然呼喚著我們認識基督的愛,以生命來侍奉天主,在天堂與耶穌永遠同在。

讀經一中,達味在赫貝龍當了以色列的國王。 預示了宇宙君王耶穌在十字架上的來臨。 這君王將在失敗的十字架上顯現的謬論,得到了最終的勝利。 通過耶穌的十字架,我們已經從黑暗的國度進入了光明的國度。


悔改的右盜通過被釘十字架的耶穌,得到了救恩。這一段福音只有在路加福音中才找得到。耶穌對懺悔的右盜所說的話揭示了聖路加要闡明的真理:基督徒的命運就是與耶穌同在。為了實現與耶穌永遠同在的使命,我們必須為耶穌而活;必須放棄自我 。這個要求並不容易。


這位被釘在兩個罪犯之間,同樣地死在十字架上所謂的君王,到底算是什麼君王呢? 這位君王在祂臣民受苦時,會忍受著同樣的痛苦。這位君王以身作則來教導他的臣民如何為人服務。 當我們犯罪時,這位君王不會拋棄我們,反而繼續與我們對話, 想盡一切的方式,期待我們的回歸懇求:「耶穌,當祢為王時,請祢紀念我!」。這時, 祂也會說: 「我實在告訴你:今天你就要與我一同在樂園裏。」